My last blog post was 04/2022. That is not that long ago. I was just revisiting my blog and I have to say although I have been slacking at it of late, I am totally impressed! I have published almost 50 blog posts between April 2014 and now ( it is crazy that is over 9 years! )
I think i would like to put it into a book. Just random thoughts but nevertheless a collection of thoughts and art.
I would like to continue my blog. So here we have a start . Thinking about rainbow sherbet and rubber tires. Who suggested that name for a painting that I did.? I am trying to find a copy of it but today rainbow sherbet and rubber tires underlies this painting . I love the power of transformation .
We are upon the seasonal change. Summer is beginning to wane but is clinging tight which is welcome.
It is time to go home to Maine for two weeks! I am beyond ready.