It is such a great question and i was not exactly sure how to answer.
India has been a place that I have wanted to experience for many years. As i contemplate the question I am beginning to understand what it is that I want to understand. I think it is the extremes of beauty and ugliness, joy and sadness, clean and dirty, ups and downs.
In my life i have experienced the joys and the sorrows and i believe in the yin and yang of life. I also love color and visual beauty whether it be landscape, art or the expressions in a person's face. I do feel that India is going to be visually moving in so many ways.
I feel like I have been so organized planning this trip for the last year. The last week was a SHIT SHOW Packing at the last minute. Finding a bag has been my biggest hurdle so far. I have returned multiple bags. They are either too small or too large or too heavy . I love to travel light but for some reason travelling to India so far feels like travelling heavy. I hope to shed pounds as I go. Tonight i packed and repacked and i am still not thrilled with my bag. I feel like that is part of the thing.
travelling in India breaks my usual rules. Every one i talk to who knows this country says stay flexible. Do not expect things as you expect them.
Travelling in Italy we travelled so comfortably with a small carry on backpack. This is a different adventure that has started already. Handling frustration and overwelm. That will be a key for us.
So be it. My bag is large. It does not have wheels, it is heavy.. But the odd thing is is that I do not think i have overpacked . I feel like this is going to be just one of the many double sworded, unanswered mysterious questions that I will have in the next month.
I need to shut my eyes and sleep .
One other thought. I have been thinking about this trip with my sister Cori. What an incredible opportunity we have to spend a month adventuring together. I think about when i was born, she was the only child i knew as she is just about 2 years older than me. My other sisters are younger.
I am very tired. I have worked hard. I am ready to relax but have a very long journey which starts tomorrow at 5:30 am . If you want to follow along go to and sign up . If you are so inclined, reach out to my love Kelly Baker who is holdign down the fort with our high needs son while i am gone
i am so grateful for the support. Next up is we will be on the beach in Mexico.
Buenos noches amigos.
with Love,