Jumping back into long days is just hard. I love my work but I cannot seem to find time to fit in exercise, yoga, and painting. This morning I got up long before the sun so I could fit in a walk with Morgan and Paddington. As i began walking out of my bedroom with bleary eyes i banged in to the half open door right on the eyebrow. I was soooo upset and by the end of the day the black eye developed.
I got home and made dinner and shared it with my family. Then caught up on some news for an hour at which time i was feeling tired. My sense of loss was that I have not made it to my studio. I decided to go there tonight if even for 30 minutes and in that hour my soul was fulfilled. I realized that this is an essential practice for me as is my yoga.
As the world seems to get crazier and crazier I feel the need to be grounded and creative. I am feeling the need to be more mindful about me . I had an amazing hour in my studio and I feel happiness and satisfaction.
As I end the evening as lay my head down to sleep , I pray that tomorrow we will move a step closer towards healthcare for all. It in my opinion is a need and a right. As I painted tonight I really painted about equality. Equality for all. Which is what i am titling this painting.