It has been several months since my last blog post and I have not been nearly as regular with my blog in the last couple of years but today deserves an announcement!
I had my first international painting sale today. This painting titled Mercy Me is 36 x 48 inches and was SO MUCH FUN to paint!
She is on the way to Granada Spain. Honestly if only i could have personally delivered it .
I have been painting now for 10 years. As many of you know, I started while going through chemotherapy for breast cancer. Painting is the best thing that came out of that messed up time. I am so in love with painting and love connecting with others by way of my artwork.
I appreciate all the support that ya'll have offered me.
Spring is springing here in Western Colorado and it is a welcome transition.
Covid has taken a back seat to sad stories coming from Ukraine and across our Southern border. i am not sure what the answer is to any of it but my task will be to send more beauty out into the universe in any way that i can
Hoping that you personally are also enjoying the breaking spring.
love you,