My family. I feel like I have made some amazing strides with some family issues that really really matter. In my yoga practice I have learned that you must tend to the root which is what i have been doing.
My finances. Leaving for a trip to India for a month in just over one month from now I have worked extra in my true job. Being a physician for me amazingly has been one of the most satisfying jobs I could have ever dreamed of. I know not all doctors feel that way but I do. I LOVE MY WORK . I truly do. I am working every day in the upcoming month of January to bank some vacation time so that when i am in India I will not have to go totally without pay. Thank you Craig.
I honestly feel very fulfilled and happy i just have not been able to share the quantity of art that I may have shared in years past.
My dear teacher Ardith Goodwin ( who by the way is one of the most amazing artists that i know ) calls it FWELL. that means to allow the space and time for the well to fill. I know that is what i need. I will return to my paintings. Right now i paint here and there but it is more about filling my well. Please stay tuned.
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Adventures and creativity abounds. omg